
In order to respond correctly to the needs of our exporting companies and to promote the export of Belgian products, it is necessary to know which companies are exporting and which countries they export to.
For many years now, the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency has been collecting the data of these companies in the Exporters' Database.
Initially a useful tool for our partners, the FPS Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), the Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) and, which allows them to contact companies in a targeted manner, but private companies can also make use of this tool, against payment of the actual cost.
It should be emphasised that since the introduction of the GDPR legislation, only public data of companies can be communicated, with respect for the privacy of individuals.
Would you like to be included in our exporters' database? Send an email to:
If you have already been included in our exporters' database, it is important that your details are correct and up-to-date. If you are not sure whether this is the case, or if you have recently had a change of staff, do not hesitate to update your company file by clicking the button below. You can forward the updated form to: