invitation Trade4U seminar

On 15 June 2023, we organised our Trade4U seminar “Business opportunities in Australia”, which gave us an insight in this growing market with huge opportunities. We were honoured to welcome HE Caroline Millar, Australian Ambassador to Belgium on this occasion.

This seminar was held in view of the Belgian economic mission which HRH Princess Astrid, Representative of His Majesty the King, will lead in Australia from October 19-28th, 2023 with stops in Sydney and Melbourne. The seminar was organised in close cooperation with our partners: the FPS of Foreign Affairs, Flanders Investment & Trade, the Wallonia Export & Investment Agency and

Despite the distance between Belgium and Australia, the opportunities in bilateral trade and investment between the two countries are huge and some current worldwide challenges as climate change have further increased the possibility for enhanced commercial relations. They add up to an already existing Australian appetite in innovative and high end market products and above average purchase possibilities. All this confirms why the Australian market should definitely be on your radar.

We thank Ernst & Young for hosting this seminar and our sponsor Credendo. Consult the presentations of our Australian and Belgian speakers here: