Discover TRADEXPLORER MAP, an interactive map in favour of exporters, academics and the general public eager to know more about the nature of our trade relations!

The map identifies no fewer than 233 countries and territories across the globe. For each of them, at least one trade characteristic has been identified. Overall, more than 16 trade regimes have been defined.

TRADEXPLORER MAP is based on numerous reliable sources, including the WTO, the EU, the Agency and other official third-country sources. For each country, links to the European Commission, the WTO as well as the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency have been provided to facilitate access to additional information.

Also consult our publications on Free Trade Agreements in our ‘Specific Studies’ section.

Screen shot Tradexplorer map site

Consult Tradexplorer map



Discover TRADEXPLORER, our website containing all possible figures on foreign trade. You will find global indicators, reporting by product or country of your choice, as well as a data table generator to specify and export data.

TRADEXPLORER presents data on trade in goods from Eurostat (a Community concept) and enables Belgium to be positioned in relation to the other 26 Member States. 

TRADEXPLORER allows users to view reports by product from over 17,000 references, as well as by Belgian trading partner country. A generator can be used to create different configurations of data tables that can be exported in multiple formats.

Also consult our Trade by country’ section. You can find plenty of information by country, summarised in the bilateral trade sheet and note and in the economic study. Select the country of your choice using the search function.


Consult Tradexplorer